
Nutritional Multiomics and Sportomics: Revolutionizing Personalized Nutrition for Athletes


Nutritional multiomics is a complex and ever-evolving field that explores the intricate relationship between food, nutrients, and the human body. This comprehensive approach examines various factors, including nutrient compatibility, solubility, stability, and kinetics, to better understand how they impact athletic performance. Coupled with gutbiomics and the development of sportomics, researchers can now provide personalized nutrition recommendations to help athletes optimize their performance, energy, strength, and endurance.

Understanding Nutrients: Compatibility, Solubility, Stability, and Kinetics

The effectiveness of nutrients within the body depends on their compatibility, solubility, and stability. Nutrient compatibility refers to how nutrients interact with each other, either synergistically or antagonistically. Solubility affects nutrient absorption and distribution, while stability determines a nutrient's resistance to degradation from external factors.

Nutrient kinetics, encompassing absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion, is a critical aspect of nutritional multiomics. Genetic factors, such as polymorphism enzymes, transporters, and receptors, influence these processes and can impact physiological outcomes, including bioavailability and volume of distribution.

Assessing Athletic Performance and Tailoring Nutrition Recommendations

By examining the impacts of specific nutrients on athletes, researchers can determine positive or negative outcomes related to efficacy or toxicity. In cases of negative outcomes, therapeutic biomarkers can be identified, leading to the discovery of genetic variants that may require alternative nutrient recommendations. These may involve higher doses, lower doses, or optimal doses of specific nutrients to achieve the best results.

Gutbiomics: A Holistic Approach to Nutrition

Gutbiomics focuses on the diverse community of microorganisms living within the gastrointestinal tract, known as the gut microbiome. Utilizing biosamples such as saliva, sweat, urine, and fecal matter, this holistic approach considers different components in the body to better understand nutrition and its impact on athletic performance.

Sportomics: The Future of Personalized Nutrition for Athletes

Sportomics, a new field developed through the combination of multiomics and sport science, uses both phenotype and genotype data to provide personalized nutrition recommendations for athletes. By considering an individual's unique genetic makeup and physiological needs, sportomics enables the development of tailored nutrition plans that include alternative doses, high doses, lower doses, or optimal doses of key nutrients.


Nutritional multiomics, gutbiomics, and sportomics are revolutionizing the field of personalized nutrition for athletes. By understanding the complex relationships between nutrients, genetics, and the human body, researchers can now provide tailored nutrition recommendations that boost performance, energy, strength, and endurance. As these fields continue to advance, athletes can expect increasingly precise and effective nutrition strategies to help them achieve their performance goals.

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